Monday, May 29, 2006


High Fuel Prices, not Funny. Not So!

Check out these funny observations on Fuel Prices by Wil Anderson...

I thought about not driving: that's not super unleaded in my car, it's my superannuation.

I put a hundred bucks of fuel in my car the other day and it barely got me out of the servo and down the road to the next one so I could fill up again.

It's got so bad these days that I will only drive somewhere if I know its downhill.

I'm thinking of putting a hole in the floor of my car and powering it like Fred did in the Flintstones. (Admittedly, I would still go through about fifteen bucks a week in thongs.)

When Millionaire comes back on TV, it will not only have a new host, it will have a new name: Who Wants to Win a Full Tank of Petrol...

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