Monday, June 04, 2007


Scratch me Back invited to Griffith, NSW

Griffith Fightback

Griffith can be thankful for local businessman, Paul Pirotti, for his passion to support locally owned businesses.
His frustration with the local council bending over for the multinationals has fired him up to start - Buy Local, Griffith. An initiative that gets local businesses together to Fightback.
The last straw was when Council gave the go ahead for a multi million dollar development that brings another supermarket (Ritchies IGA) and 40+ specialty shops most of which are company owned chain stores.
Not what the community needs in the grips of its worst ever drought and sevcere downturn in business.

Paul contacted Scratch me Back to see if we could help. After a couple of visits the Griffith Fightback committee will be launching the Scratch me Back fuel discount cards early July in partnership with Belford Petroleum.

Area News (May 2007) - Buy local blitz is fuel for thought

Area News (June 2007) - Scratch Me Back campaign is fuelled by discount deals

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